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3 Tips from Michael Conville at Beacon Construction Group for Rebuilding After the Storm

Mike Conville and Beacon Have Advice for Homeowners Who Are Rebuilding

If you’re like many Florida homeowners, you find yourself in the unfortunate thought not entirely unexpected position of having to clean up after our recent string of hurricanes. While the process is never easy, it’s part of living where we do. We’re Floridians – we’re tough. And as Mike Conville and Beacon Construction Group have helped many a homeowner rebuild, we thought we’d take a moment to share a few tips.

Here are a few things to keep in mind while cleaning up after the storm.

3 Tips from Mike Conville and Beacon Construction Group

  • Accurately assess the level of damage and what comes next.

It is essential that you determine whether the damage to your home is structural or merely aesthetic. If it’s just aesthetic, then all you need to do is repair the damage done and move on. But not only can structural damage be hard to spot, but it can actually be dangerous. You might not notice that your framing has been warped or that your roof is a disaster waiting to happen, but the damage could be there. Be sure to have an expert look over your home and determine the level of repair that it needs. Maybe you just need to fix a few visual elements, but you might end up having to perform dramatic repairs.

  • In the event of severe damage, move out people and valuable property.

If your home has received several damage that makes it structurally unsound, don’t risk it. Be sure to move out your family until repairs can make it safe again. And if you’re worried about valuable or breakable items like electronics, instruments, or whatnot, move these things into storage.

  • Find a builder capable or returning your home to perfection.

There are a lot of people who are picking up hammers to cash in on the rebuilding efforts, but not all luxury home builders offer the same level of service. Be sure to find a builder who is capable of returning your home to its pre-storm glory. That means finding a builder with an extensive background working on luxury projects.

Mike Conville and Beacon Construction Group Are Here to Help You Rebuild

Ready to rebuild? Mike Conville and Beacon Construction Group offer more than 25 years of experience working on everything from small renovations, to bottom to top home builds, to large institutional projects.

Contact Mike Conville and Beacon online to discuss your home repairs, or call Beacon Construction Group at (561) 845-5130 today.

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